What Makes USA Education Really Unique? Excellence.
This is the famous dialogue from the famous movie “3 idiots” . But it has it’s own value and more importance in the life of the students who wants to pursue master’s in USA.
Success ke peeche mat bhaago .. excellence ka peecha karo .. kamyabi jhak maar k tumhare peeche ayegi MEANS if you want to be successful person, then don’t aim for being successful but instead aim for being excellent.

Welcome to land of opportunities which we call United States of America. Has anyone of you students ever think about what makes USA education unique. Have you really thought about it ?
You will say that it is more advance, it has cutting edge technology, it has more money, high living standards.
But really, what is the reason? What is the actual reason?
It is just a word i.e. “Excellence”
In India, 99% professors in 99% colleges have made 99% students habitual of doing nothing and credit goes to poor education plan, rote system, failure of motivation, boring classroom sessions, lack of interaction between student and teacher, politics and various other reason.We have been taught from the beginning that if you will not get 90% percent marks, you will be left behind.
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Result, lot of students just start studying for the purpose that they want to have job.
Their purpose is not to actual learn something from whatever they are studying but their goal is to get the job. And this is where the problem starts.
They get caught up in the education system which has no practical approach, which still goes with 5 year old curriculum where in the world every day some discovery is being made.
Having no practical approach in the studies and learning the definitions and formulas will not get you anywhere, least of all USA.
If you really want your life to be lot easier, then start doing your assignments yourself.
Get involved in the research, be genuinely interested in your subject.
Start looking for every problem in your studies or whatever you are studying with different angles. Start looking at every problem in your life with different angles.
That’s how you train yourself to become master of your field and this is the start you will definitely need when you will be in USA because the moment you will get out of your first ever class in the united states, you will feel ashamed of the education system of your college back in India.
Simply because of the fact that it is not based on excellence. It is based on grading for which frankly, no one will ever give a damn about.
Education in United States
In Unites states, you will just not learn about what you are here to learn, but also you will learn about what actually education is.As in one scene of 3 IDIOTS, actor says to his professor,” I was teaching you how to teach the class“.
Same applies here. No professor will care about the grades as long as you are showing them you are actually learning, you are showing them you are actually applying your mind and you are showing them you have the capability to have an analytical approach of solving the problem.
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They want you learn that life is not about grades and race with someone.
It is about self improvisation, vision, dreams, honesty, integrity and excellent knowledge of your subject.
Why do you think they have colleges like MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Columbia, Yale, UPENN, UPittsburgh, UNCC, U of Minnesota, Cornell and many others and all of which rank among top 50 everytime.
Why do you think they have maximum number of discoveries to their credit?
It is because of their education system.
I am in the class of 4 students and was able to answer some of the tough questions just because of analytical approach of solving the problems back in India.
Don’t gloat if you get admit from any US university because believe me, the actual thing is about to come.
Have a beer the night you get admit, but from next day you will have to get back to work and study even harder because my friend, Life is not easy and it will never be. Not even in the USA.
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These brilliant minds are such a company which can either motivate you or demotivate you, can make or break your life.
Have competition with such brilliant minds.
Have competition with their excellence and who knows, you might achieve excellence but just competing with their
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